Monday, October 31, 2005
So this has been a pretty exciting past couple of weeks for the Luszeck family. First, my brother Jeff passed the BAR for Nevada so he is now officially a lawyer. So now he gets to actually work instead of having his wife do all the work! Also, my brother Reid wrote a book and is actually getting it published. Crazy! The title of the book is "God, where are you? I need help!" Knowing my brother, it is going to be just pure comedy. I guess that he signed the contract yesterday and he's not going to be getting a ton of money for it, but it's a foot in the door. Plus, how many people in the world can actually say that they have had a book published? I don't really think many can. Also, my sister Ashley had a birthday and for her little shin-dig we went ice-skating. Seriously, who would have thought that there would be an ice-skating rink in Hawaii? I would have never thought there would be one, but, I was wrong. So it was my first time ice-skating and it was awesome. I didn't fall once, so I am pretty proud of myself. It's actually a lot like normal rollerblading so I got the hang of it pretty fast. I was shocked at how many locals were ice-skating. Not only was the place packed, but they were all really good! Again, I was amazed that locals knew how to ice-skate really well. Welp, that's it from my end. Late
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Time now for a long awaited post. Last week was Jubilee week. It was our school's big 50 so everybody was making a pretty big deal about it. It was pretty sweet though. President Monson, 1st Counselor of the First Presidency was here and he is just an amazing speaker. Got to hear him speak three different times and I also got to hold the door for him and shake his hand. I will never forget the words that he said to me "Wow, you're way up there in the air!" Great times!
Other then that, not a whole lot has happened here. We got two days off of school last week because of the Jubilee celebrations, so that was awesome. Now I have to suffer and actually go to class again. Oh well, only have one class today then it's off to work. Speaking of work, for those of you that care to know how it's going, it's seriously awesome! I play around with kids all day, what better job could there possibly be? Well, the reg was actually better since it was such an easy job. Well, that's it from my end. Late
Other then that, not a whole lot has happened here. We got two days off of school last week because of the Jubilee celebrations, so that was awesome. Now I have to suffer and actually go to class again. Oh well, only have one class today then it's off to work. Speaking of work, for those of you that care to know how it's going, it's seriously awesome! I play around with kids all day, what better job could there possibly be? Well, the reg was actually better since it was such an easy job. Well, that's it from my end. Late
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Little did I know that right after my last update, I would be going out to a beach out here called Castles and surfin. That is right ladies and gentlemen, I went surfin on Friday. My buddy Jared baught a 7'10'' fun board when he first got out here and he decided last week that he wanted to buy a short board so he could be able to do more turns and all that great stuff. So he bought the board on Friday and was going to sell his old one, so I was a little interested in buying it and wanted to try it out before I made a decision. So we loaded up six boards on top of a little saturn and seven of us went out to Castles. Great times! The waves weren't really that good so I wasn't able to get up on any of them, but it was really cool to just paddle out there and just veg out on the ocean. I can see why the hard-core surfers seem to talk all slow and mellow like. It's because being out on the ocean is just so relaxing. There's my little thought for the day. Oh yeah, and Jared isn't sellling his board because his dad really wants it so he bought Jared his new board. So the search for me getting a board continues!
In other news, we went into town this weekend and ate at the ever famous Cheesecake Factory. That was a grand event! We had to wait for about an hour and a half, but the good thing is that there are a lot of stores around so we just walked around checkin stuff out. Some of the people in the streets did some pretty weird stuff too. One of them had his clothes made out of newspaper and was chillen on a bench pretending to read a newspaper. He was really just trying to get money from people who wanted to take a picture with him. Smart man! Another guy was dancing on the sidewalk because he wanted to go visit his mom in Italy. I have to admit, some of the stuff he was doing was pretty cool. Unfortunatly, I didn't realize that I had could film him dancing with my digital camera, so I only got half of his performance. So all in all, the trip to town was time and money well spent.
As for school, it should be a pretty good week. Our school is celebrating it's 50th anniversary by having a Jubilee celebration. So far some of the stuff has been pretty cool. For example, all the alumni come back, with their very good lookin daughters who just happen to be my age! That's a good one. (Don't worry Jess, you're still way more attractive then any of them are.) Also, President Monson is going to be here on Friday giving a devotional, so I am pretty excited for that. Well, that's it from my end. Late
In other news, we went into town this weekend and ate at the ever famous Cheesecake Factory. That was a grand event! We had to wait for about an hour and a half, but the good thing is that there are a lot of stores around so we just walked around checkin stuff out. Some of the people in the streets did some pretty weird stuff too. One of them had his clothes made out of newspaper and was chillen on a bench pretending to read a newspaper. He was really just trying to get money from people who wanted to take a picture with him. Smart man! Another guy was dancing on the sidewalk because he wanted to go visit his mom in Italy. I have to admit, some of the stuff he was doing was pretty cool. Unfortunatly, I didn't realize that I had could film him dancing with my digital camera, so I only got half of his performance. So all in all, the trip to town was time and money well spent.
As for school, it should be a pretty good week. Our school is celebrating it's 50th anniversary by having a Jubilee celebration. So far some of the stuff has been pretty cool. For example, all the alumni come back, with their very good lookin daughters who just happen to be my age! That's a good one. (Don't worry Jess, you're still way more attractive then any of them are.) Also, President Monson is going to be here on Friday giving a devotional, so I am pretty excited for that. Well, that's it from my end. Late
Friday, October 14, 2005
So I have come to the conclusion that Tuesdays and Thursdays here in Hawaii really suck. Reason being is that these are the two days a week where I get to do nothing but go to classes! Doesn't that seem exciting? No, it really isn't. The only good thing about these two days is that they are also the days that inturmural basketball games happen. I didn't play in any of the games this week because on tuesday I spewed (we actually had real food in the caf that day, and I throw it up, how much does that suck?) and on thursday nobody from our team was going to show up to the game, so we were going to have to forfit anyways. The guys on my team hate playin and rightfully so, because it is very poorly run here. We have "refs" but all they do is stand there and talk on their phones the entire time. The sad thing is that these guys are on the basketball team here and they are getting paid to be there. Well, thanks for listening to me complain. That's pretty much it from my end. Now, I am going to call in sick to work and go to the beach because it is gorgeous outside. Late
Monday, October 10, 2005
Hello to everybody out there in blogger land. Greetings from Hawaii! Or should I say ALOHA, since after all, this is the Aloha state. Anyways, this past week has been quite an eventful one. Lets start off with what has happened most recent, which would be the weekend. Yesterday, I had to give a talk in sacrament meeting which actually went pretty well. The girl before me spoke for like 15 minutes so when I finally got up to speak, there was only 5 minutes before sacrament meeting ended, and I was hungry, so I cut down my talk a little bit and only went 3 minutes over the hour. My talk was supposed to be 10-12 minutes but I made it 8. Good times. Other then that, UCLA beat Cal on saturday. Huge upset! I was so stoaked when I heard about that since, after all, UCLA is my team. Can't wait for the showdown against USC. UCLA might be the only team that can give them a run for their money and who knows, might even pull the biggest upset this year.
Last week one of my good friends got his mission call to serve in the Sao Paulo Brazil mission. He is the one with the red tie on in the pic underneath this post. I was actually able to be with him when he got the call from his parents telling him that his mission call has come. It was such an amazing feeling to just hear to be there and hear where he was going. I honestly can not wait until I get my call. It's going to be awesome. I get my papers taken care of when I get back home in December. I also heard recently from my buddy B-Randon that Chad Dotson got his mission call to South Africa. It's crazy to think about since these are guys my age and their leaving for two years. I'm jealous! I want to go so bad. Even though that means that I will leave behind my family, my friends, Jess, school, and pretty much everything for two years but I know it is what I need to do. Welp, until next time. Late
Last week one of my good friends got his mission call to serve in the Sao Paulo Brazil mission. He is the one with the red tie on in the pic underneath this post. I was actually able to be with him when he got the call from his parents telling him that his mission call has come. It was such an amazing feeling to just hear to be there and hear where he was going. I honestly can not wait until I get my call. It's going to be awesome. I get my papers taken care of when I get back home in December. I also heard recently from my buddy B-Randon that Chad Dotson got his mission call to South Africa. It's crazy to think about since these are guys my age and their leaving for two years. I'm jealous! I want to go so bad. Even though that means that I will leave behind my family, my friends, Jess, school, and pretty much everything for two years but I know it is what I need to do. Welp, until next time. Late
Monday, October 03, 2005

I have come to the conclusion that being sick in Hawaii really sucks. Here I am, when it's actually a pretty nice day outside, stuck inside because I have a flippen cold. That sounds retarded to since you would think that you can't get a cold in Hawaii, since after all it is so beautiful and warm. But, with my luck, I got a cold, and it sucks. It's from this weekend since it rained non stop, was actually pretty cold, and I walked around with shorts and sandals on. Great thinking, wouldn't you say? I did get to see three movies this weekend. First one was Flightplan which wasn't too bad of a movie. I was suprised about the ending because I honestly thought that I had the whole thing figured out. I also saw The 40 Year Old Virgin which was a really funny movie but a very crude one to watch. Lastly I saw Lord of War which was a really good movie also. Nicholas Cage is flat out the man and he did a really good job in this movie. I recomend seeing it.
Other then that, conference was this weekend. Good times if I do say so myself. We went to three sessions of conference yesterday: the two normal sessions and then the re-broadcast of the priesthood session. Also, I talked to Jess yesterday and everything is back to normal. She loves me, I love her. Only thing that could be better is if I was actually with her but can't have everything apparently. I'll see her over Christmas though so I am really looking forward to that. That's it from my end. Late