Monday, October 03, 2005

I have come to the conclusion that being sick in Hawaii really sucks. Here I am, when it's actually a pretty nice day outside, stuck inside because I have a flippen cold. That sounds retarded to since you would think that you can't get a cold in Hawaii, since after all it is so beautiful and warm. But, with my luck, I got a cold, and it sucks. It's from this weekend since it rained non stop, was actually pretty cold, and I walked around with shorts and sandals on. Great thinking, wouldn't you say? I did get to see three movies this weekend. First one was Flightplan which wasn't too bad of a movie. I was suprised about the ending because I honestly thought that I had the whole thing figured out. I also saw The 40 Year Old Virgin which was a really funny movie but a very crude one to watch. Lastly I saw Lord of War which was a really good movie also. Nicholas Cage is flat out the man and he did a really good job in this movie. I recomend seeing it.
Other then that, conference was this weekend. Good times if I do say so myself. We went to three sessions of conference yesterday: the two normal sessions and then the re-broadcast of the priesthood session. Also, I talked to Jess yesterday and everything is back to normal. She loves me, I love her. Only thing that could be better is if I was actually with her but can't have everything apparently. I'll see her over Christmas though so I am really looking forward to that. That's it from my end. Late