Saturday, October 30, 2004

So our house is getting painted right now. Can't really complain about it too much since I did get to stay home from school yesterday because my parents were both working. Although the color that we have looks the same as the color that we already had on, but whatever makes my parents happy, since they are the ones putting forth money for all of this.
Let me tell ya, staying home and just playing hookey is really addicting. All I did yesterday was watch Fuse TV, which played about 3 hours straight of music videos. Man who would have thought that would ever happen? A music channel, playing music videos, amazing. MTV used to do that, but now they have all of these shows that have nothing to do with music, and yet they still have the name of MTV, which for all those who may not know, music television. So Fuse is the best channel in the world since it plays music videos, and a lot of these music videos are from bands that I really like, and I even got to hear some new bands. I also came to the conclusion yesterday that I am going to buy an iPod. I have wanted one for the longest time now, and I was just going to wait until Christmas, but I am just going to dish out the money and get one. Now just comes the hard part in finding a cheap, but good one.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Well ladies and gentleman, the time is now here for everybody to witness the first offical posting by none other then myself. I'm kinda nervous myself, I mean there are just so many people to thank.....ok enough of that. So this past week has been actually pretty eventful let me tell ya. For those of you who may not know, I am in Student Council this year at my High School, and we just got done with Homecoming week (we actually won our game too, but that is a different story). Let me tell ya, this was by far that was the most stressful week of my life!
First off, me and another guy in Student Council got to load up all the wood for our Bon Fire Rally, in the pouring rain. That was actually kinda fun since I got to bail out on school for two periods. The things that sucked were setting up the "tower" for the bon fire, since Coach Matuzak was being a retard. He "didn't approve" of our spot because it supposedly is right in the way of the so called track around the softball fields, and the PE students might get nails in their shoes. My first thought to this was "The kids in PE are sophmores anyways, so who really cares if they get nails in their feet?" Kinda mean I know, but it was the truth. Next, he suggested that we move the Bon Fire right at the base of the hills that are at the back of our school. We were having a great time making fun of him with that idea since it would have lit the hills on fire, and quite possibly are school. What to use the old noggin Coach!
Next day we had to get everything ready for the halftime show. Again, that wasn't too bad since again I got to bail out on classes (this time it was three). The only thing that really got me stressed out that night was having enough people there to help bring out all the stages, and just make it look like it was supposed to. The fire works were a huge hit, and by far the best part of the night.
Saturday was a very long day, since we got to set up for the dance from 8 in the morning until 3:15. It was pretty fun setting up since we got to goof off a lot. Only thing that really bugged me is that we got yelled at a lot. Some of the people didn't have any right to yell since they did a lot less then we did. Oh well. It was worth it that night, since I had a complete blast at the dance. Got to dance with some mighty mighty fine ladies, and if I got tired, I could just go and watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". Anywho, that was pretty much it.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Welcome all, welcome all, to the pretty weird world that you are about to enter. My name is Tyler Luszeck in case anybody out there really was curious. I am now an official blogger, and I must say, it is feeling pretty good. My brother was the one who actually started doing this whole bloggin thing with a couple of his buddies, and I must admit I was a bit jealous. I'm glad to be a part of it now. For the given few who do not know exactly what a blog is, I shall have to educate you. A blog is just a little internet posted journal, and on here I plan on talkin about pretty much my life. Some of it may be interesting, most of it will be boring and random, but it's something for me to do in my free time, since I have quite a bit of it. Anywho, when I actually start posting my random thoughts onto the blog page, feel free to post your comments, be it good or bad. Have a good one and take care.

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