Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Well, I am now on my way to my mission to Durban South Africa. I would love to keep in contact with everybody and I don't know if I can use e-mail for sure. So send letters to me at this address.

Elder Tyler Luszeck
P.O.Box 1741
Wandsbeck 3631
South Africa

Thank you everybody for all the good times. I appreciate everything you have done to help me get ready for this moment in my life. I wish everybody the best, and I will see you in 2008.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So yesterday was a very disapointing day for me. Me and a couple of my buddies went out to see Nacho Libre. It was absolutly horrible! No joke, this movie was so bad, I almost fell asleep. I should have followed the other people who walked out of the movie, but I figured that I spent $7.75 so I should at least see it all. It was really bad though and I think a low point in the career of Jack Black. The highlight of my day was when we went to Rubio's afterwards and had some fish tacos. Good times!
In other news, I leave in a week. I am pretty excited and am ready to leave. My buddy Mike Brizzie left yesterday to head up to Utah. He reports to the MTC tomorrow in Provo and will be there for the next two months or so, then head down to Mexico. It was really cool to see his farewell on Sunday. I actually got a little teary eyed since I knew that I wouldn't see the guy for two years and plus I have to do the same thing this week. And lastly, I am taking my drive test on thursday! Yeah, it's pretty sad that a 19 year old doesn't have his license yet, but hey, I'm getting it now dangit! That's pretty much it from my end. Late

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Well Aloha to everybody out there in blogger land. Nothin too exciting has been going on in the life of Tyler. Actually, it kinda sucks right now to be honest. I really miss Hawaii, Yucaipa sucks because everybody still acts like they are in highschool, and there is absolutly nothing to do. So I have now resorted to watching movies whenever I have the chance to. It keeps me sane at least. I have also been working quite a bit as well. A guy from my ward lives up the street from me and has this huge hill that is covered in weeds so I have been pulling up the weeds for him. 8 bucks an hour, so it's not too bad. Also, my neighbor across the street, Jeff, delievers goods to fast food places and he asked me if I would be willing to help him out. I get paid a hundred a day, but they are pretty long days since the places that he delievers to are up in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. It was a nice drive though since when we get up to Santa Barbara we drive by the coast and it reminds me of Hawaii since the water up there is actually blue. Not as nice as the water back in Hawaii, but close. Plus, there are a lot of dolphins up there and I saw a few jumping out of the water. It was sweet!
As I said before, I have seen quite a bit of movies since coming back. Only a couple in the theaters though, which were DaVinci Code, Over The Hedge, and X-Men 3. DaVinci was really sweet. I'm pretty mad at myself for not actually reading the book before seeing the movie, but I will read it after the mish. Over the Hedge was alright, had some decent parts in it. Wasn't as good as Ice Age 2 though. And finally X-Men was amazing. They did a great job with it and with keeping with the storyline of X-Men. I am a little mad that Gambit wasn't in the movie, but hopefully he will be in the next one. Also, Nightcrawler wasn't in it either, and I was pretty bummed about that. Just so everybody knows, there is a little clip at the end of the credits, and you want to see it. Trust me. Welp, that's it from me. I am out.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

So I am back in the little town known to some as Yuc-town. The name is quite fitting if you ask me. For the most part, it sucks to be back here. I miss all my buddies from BYUH, I miss the beaches, I miss the late night food runs, I just miss winter semester in general. Now I am in Yucaipa, where there is no ocean, where the air is freakin horrible, it is bloody hot in the day and really cold at night, and where the only things that I do is at night. It is only temperary though since I will be leaving for South Africa pretty soon. I'm pretty excited about that since I hear nothing but good things about it there.
Today I deleted my myspace. I'm actually quite glad about this decision since I feel that it has just gone downhill. I personally think that it is retarded, a waste of time, and really I'm just over the whole myspace thing. Now, it is on to better things like facebook! Other then that, I have been watching a lot of movies lately, pretty much just trying to bulk up before I leave. Welp, that's pretty much it from my end. Late

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Well, winter semester has come to a close. I am actually really sad to say those words. This semester has seriously been some of the best times of my life. I met some amazing guys and am actually really mad that I never hung out with them last semester. We had a lot of good times going around in the island, cramed inside of Karly's Honda Element. Some of the best times though where when we just stayed inside of Kev's room, playing video games, and just talkin. Or going to Karly's place and just acting completly dumb. Good stuff. But guys, I really am going to miss you. You have helped me grow up a lot, and I actually feel like I am a college student now. Thank you all for everything. I will miss you but I know that you all will be out in the field at the same time as me and we will come back to this little island and keep that friendship in tact. Thanks again for everything. Aloha Oie.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I received my mission call yesterday. I will be going to the Durban, South Africa mission. I will report to the MTC in South Africa on June 27th, so that means that I will probably be leaving Cali on the 26th. I am so stoaked to be going there. It is going to be a great experience. In other news, General Conference is this weekend, and it may be the last time that we hear from our dear President, Gordon B. Hinckley. I urge you all to listen to his words for every person, member or non-member can benifit from his message.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh the Maddness that is known to happen in March. Besides Christmas, this has got to be my favorite time of the year. Reason being, it is the NCAA tournament. I love it! The only playoff system in the country where anything can happen on any given day. It is truly amazing. Like today for instance, Boston College was favored to win against Pacific, and I am watching the game in overtime, and BC is down. They come back, tie it up, send it into double OT and win. I LOVE THE TOURNAMENT! Only bad thing, I have a little thing called school, so I can't stay and watch all the games. It sucks! Welp, I am wasting time on the comp, when I can be watching some games. I'm out.

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