Saturday, December 31, 2005
Seeing as it is prety much the end of the year, I decided that I would take some time and just reflect about this past year. This past year has been probably one of the best ones of my life. I graduated from high school, which at times I think isn't really a big accomplishment, but it was still great to be able to finish it. I met some great new people both here in good ol' Yucaipa and back in Hawaii. I got into the college that I wanted to and I absolutly love it. My testimony has grown tremendously this year, and I am so thankful for the knowledge that I have. I have grown up so much this year and I know that it is for the best. I have come close to a lot of people who will continue to have a huge impact on my life. They were with me through thick and thin and I am very thankful for all the help and the long nights talking that we have had. I dealt with the first death in my family this year. It was really hard and at times still is weird to think that my grandfather is gone. I miss him and I love him so much. So far I don't really have many new years resolutions. One that does stick out though is to continue to be a good person, be an example to others and to go out on my mission. I am so excited about that and I want to go so bad. Anywho, I am sure everybody is sick of my rambling on and on, and I would like to wish you all a happy new year. Thank you for the memories.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Last night was actually a realy really cool night. I went over to Marks house, with the intent of just hanging out and watching a movie, and maybe chillen outside around a fire. So I headed on over there, and we called up some peeps to come over and just hang out. We didn't really stay inside that long since there was about 11 of us there, being pretty loud, and Megan had to wake up at 3 in the morning to open at Starbucks. That would be horrible. Anywho, back to the topic. So we moved on outside, started up the fire, and just hung out talking. I ended up talkin to the one and only Tori Pike for about a good 45 minutes. It was actually realy really cool. We talked about just everything really that is going on in college. Both me and her are going to private, religious colleges. Yeah, they are based off of different faiths, but for the most part it is the same. It was really awesome to talk to her about my mission that I will be soon leaving for, my faith, experiences that we have had for these past four months, and just life. I missed Tori, and I was really glad that I was able to have such a good conversation with her last night. Also, last night was the first time I didn't feel like I was in high school again while hanging out with a group of people. And of course, there was fire, so of course it was going to be just amazing. I like fire!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
To everybody out there in blogger land, I wish you a Mele Kalikimaka or as they say it here on the main land, Merry Christmas. My christmas is pretty much over seeing as we celebrate it on Christmas Eve, meaning tonight. It was really fun though. Didn't really want anything for christmas this year, but I did get the sweetest shirt ever. It has an outline of Cali and then it says "California Hangs Low and to the Left". It is by far the coolest t-shirt that I have ever gotten. Well, I don't know, my "Got Crabs" t-shirt from Joes Crab Shack is pretty sweet as well. Just look out BYUH, I am going to be tearin that campus up when I get back! It's been a really cool christmas this year since my older siblings all have little children and so they were just running around, or just asking for attention while in somebodys arms. I love my nieces and nephews. Let's just say that I am getting a lot of practice for when my time actually comes and I become a father. Looking forward to that.
Besides Christmas occuring during my little stint back home, nothing much else has happened. I mean, it's good to be home to see a lot of my friends, who I missed a ton, but I miss Hawaii. I grew a lot while over there. It may not seem like it, especially to a certain somebody, but I truely did. Coming back here, I feel like I am back in high school. Don't get me wrong, I loved high school. I have a lot of fond memories of high school, but I'm over it now. I come back here and just see so many people who are still here, and I just think to myself "Why the hell are they still here?" And for the most part, these are the people that said all through out high school "I can't wait to get out of this town." Welp, they are still here. Welcome to Yucaipa.
Friday, December 16, 2005
So it is now official. I am home! I got here on Wed morning at like 4:15. The flight pretty much sucked. I couldn't fall asleep but I did get an emergency exit row. Also, I sat next to a guy who got bit by an eel like two days before so that was pretty cool to talk to him about it. It is seriously weird being home. It's good to see everybody again, but I don't know, I've gotten used to life without my best friends from high school and now we are seeing eachother. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome to see them again, but it's just weird. So much has happened while I was gone, to me and to them, and we weren't there to experience it together. I don't know, maybe I am just weird. I do miss Hawaii though. I miss looking at the ocean every single day. I miss Al and Brady, and the long nights that we had together! ;) I hate to say this, but I miss the caf. Not the food there, but just miss going there and hanging out with people. And most importantly, I miss the warm weather! I hate how freakin cold it is here. I swear, I am probably going to die sometime within the next 4 weeks because of the cold. When I left Hawaii at 9:40 pm on Tuesday, it was 71 degrees. Now, it is like 30 at night, and a high of 50 during the day. I hate the cold. Thank goodness I don't live in Utah or Canada. Well, even if it was warm there I still wouldn't live in either one of those places. Sorry guys, it would just suck. Welp, that's it from me. Late
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I said this a while ago, but just a reminder that at times I am going to put song lyrics on the blog. This particular song from the Starting Line is just amazing and I have been listening to it a lot lately. This song is called "Playing Favorites" by the Starting Line. I guess the most that I can do
Is make a call and tell you the truth
sing the words in melody
and hope that you'll believe me
here's another song for you
so this one this one makes two
I still don't know where to begin
I'll just leave it at this
I'm sure you always feel my eyes on you
but I hope that you will never feel unwanted
wait for me to move out west
it's ok if you don't
I hope you know
You're my favorite thing
about the west coast
I wish I stayed
I hope you wait
so here I am
counting down the days
till California comes
this is the least that I can do
you know I'm bad at calling you
the best way I can extend
the lonely words I miss you
I'll say it but I'm sure you knew
you're what I look most forward to
coming back to where I've been
I'll just leave it at this
I'm sure you always feel my eyes on you
but I hope that you will never feel unwanted
if you feel unwanted
wait for me to move out west
it's ok if you don't
I hope you know
you're my favoirte thing
about the west coase
I wish I stayed
I hope you wait
so here I am
counting down the days
till California comes
till California comes