Saturday, October 30, 2004

So our house is getting painted right now. Can't really complain about it too much since I did get to stay home from school yesterday because my parents were both working. Although the color that we have looks the same as the color that we already had on, but whatever makes my parents happy, since they are the ones putting forth money for all of this.
Let me tell ya, staying home and just playing hookey is really addicting. All I did yesterday was watch Fuse TV, which played about 3 hours straight of music videos. Man who would have thought that would ever happen? A music channel, playing music videos, amazing. MTV used to do that, but now they have all of these shows that have nothing to do with music, and yet they still have the name of MTV, which for all those who may not know, music television. So Fuse is the best channel in the world since it plays music videos, and a lot of these music videos are from bands that I really like, and I even got to hear some new bands. I also came to the conclusion yesterday that I am going to buy an iPod. I have wanted one for the longest time now, and I was just going to wait until Christmas, but I am just going to dish out the money and get one. Now just comes the hard part in finding a cheap, but good one.


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