Friday, February 17, 2006

Another week has come by, so another post is in order. Life here in HI is going pretty well. I have today off from work and also there is no school on monday, so I am stoaked for this three day weekend. I think we are going to go on this really cool hike either tomorrow or on monday, so pics of that should be up on my flickr page in a little while. Everything else is going well. School is lame, since now all the exams are happening. Midterms start pretty soon, so life should get even more hectic when those start. The fam is going to be coming out in a couple of months for the wedding. I'm really excited about that since I should actually be able to see the wedding, and plus it's always good times when the fam comes out to visit. Other then that, nothin else really has happened, well, besides Valentines day. There was a group of 11 or so of us that went out to eat at this mexican food place called Cholos up in Haleiwa. I miss real mexican food. I swear, if somebody just opened up a real taco stand here, they would get bank. But, nobody has, so I am stuck with just eating crappy mexican food. Welp, that's it from my end. Late


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