Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Well, the first full week of classes is pretty much at a close. So far everything is going pretty well. I have actually had to do quite a bit of reading for both my geology and sharing the gospel class, but all in all, it isn't too bad. I started back at work also. Everything is the same as it was before I left to go back home. The kids are still crazy but really fun to be around. One huge plus is that I got a pay raise. So instead of making about 7 bucks an hour, I will be getting 10 bucks an hour. Not to shabby for helping out kids with their homework. The state of Hawaii raised the pay for everybody working in the A+ program since a lot of people were quiting and going to work at McDonalds since they pay more. I was actually happy with the 7 bucks since it is better then I would have received around here, but I will take the 10 no problem. Other then work and school, I have been going out to play basketball these past couple of nights over at the old gym. Man, I am out of shape. It's actually pretty sad how bad I am at ball right now. I felt like I didn't really lose much when I first got here since after all I played in the 3 on 3 tourny back in Redlands and did pretty well in that. Looks like I need to get back in shape. Oh well, I have been meaning to anyways. Well, this post is pretty random, so sorry about that. It's been a long day. Welp, that's it from my end. Late


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