Thursday, September 29, 2005

Yesterday was probably the worst day of my life. No joke, it really was. It started out fine, like any normal day. Then I went to work over at Sunset Beach Elementary. It was my second day of work there, not that that has anything to do with anything but just thought that I would say that. Anywho, everything was going fine, the kids weren't being punks or anything like that so I can't complain about that. At about 5:15 there was only one kid left and I felt kinda bad for him so we just kept messing around playing tag and stuff. Then finally his mom's boyfriend comes late to pick him up. Once he actually pulls into the parking lot, I start walking over there with the little boy and he says "Yeah, there's my mom's boyfriend who hits me with a broom or a paddle whenever I don't listen to him". I was in shock. Here is this little kid who is just totally awesome and he gets beat by his moms flippen boyfriend. I didn't tell the ladies in charge right away because honestly, I was in a rage and just wanted to go over there and beat the living crap out of the guy. So instead I go across the street to the ever famous Pipeline beach and just wait until my sister gets there to pick me up. However, she doesn't get there for an hour, so I was waiting, in the rain, for my sister to come get me, with nothing to keep me company save my phone and all this rage that is building up inside me because of that idiot guy. I mean, seriously, who beats a little kid? Do they like the feeling of beating a poor inocent kid? I would love to have just 5 minutes alone with those people and just lay them out.
So finally my sister comes to get me and I tell her what the little kid said. She then tells me that we should go buy one of the A+ advisors house and tell her what he said. So we do but she isn't there so I get her phone number and call her up later. The lady said that she wouldn't be suprised if that is happening but that she will also try and do something about it like talk to the kid and see if it really is happening. So I did everything that I could for the kid and I really do hope that everything turns out alright for him because I would hate to see him get hurt.
Like I said earlier I had nothing to keep me company save my phone and rage. While I was waiting I was trying to talk to Jess, or, the girl from Central Cali as all you guys refer to her as. But we got into an argument. So strap yourselves in because here is the whole story. I texted her earlier in the day saying "I miss you" because I really did since that last time that I actually talked to her was last week. She responded "I miss you too but I'm in english right now, I will text you when I get out." Went throughout the day, no text, so I text her after work saying "Must have been one hell of a long english class". Her response "I'm really sorry that I didn't text you back ty. JK." As you probably figured out from the first 2 paragraphs I was already in a bad mood and this kinda made it worse. I responded "Wait so you are j/k about being sorry for not texting me?" I mean, that's kinda mean to say to somebody. So she responds "What's the matter ty?" my response, like any other guys in that situation "Nothin". Waited about 15 minutes, no response from her, so I said "Have a good time in Utah, tell Kristin I said hi". She writes back "Thanks". I then respond "What's going on between us Jess, I would really love to know". I mean because there are times where I don't hear anything from her. I text her, get nothing back. I call her, get nothing back, and yet she tells me all the time, "I love you Ty!" So she responds saying "I don't understand, what do you mean ty?" I go on to say "I feel like we are growing apart and i hate it." She in turn says "why because we never talk?" and I respond "Exactly." Wait a little longer, no response, so I say "whatever, lets just forget about it." She says "What, you want to forget about us?" I say "No, not at all." I then ask her "what do you tell your friends about me and you?" She says "that I don't have a boyfriend and that I am talkin to a guy in Hawaii." I then tell her what I tell all of you guys all the time whenever I talk about her. "That I've only actually been with her for a week of my life and she has made a bigger impact then any girl I've ever met. She's the only girl that I want to be with and I'm in love with her." She then responds "Are you mad at me? You know I love you ty!" I then say "I really wish that I could say that I know that, but I don't." She responds "I don't know what to say. I'm going to do homework, night." The last part is what has been bothering me for months now. She tells me that she loves me, but it doesn't seem like it at all. I try to talk to her all the time, try calling, texting, e-mailing, and if I am lucky I will get a response. I may be wrong, but if you really love somebody, shouldn't you actually make an effort to talk to them or at least tell them you will call/text them later and actually do it? Am I in the wrong here?


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