Friday, September 23, 2005

Sorry that it has been a whole week since my last update, but since people don't really comment on anything then I just figured that nobody really cared if I updated this or not. Then again, I could be wrong. Anywho, this past week has been alright. I took my first test for my math class on tuesday so that was pretty fun. I got the results for it and lets just say you can tell that I haven't taken math for a while. I did get better then the class average though so I was pretty happy about that. I'm not really too worried though since my professor said that he was going to be giving us some extra credit stuff to do so we can get our grade to where we feel it should be, and he also said that at the end of the year he drops our lowest test grade. Man, I love this school!
Other then the academic stuff, life has been good. I got a job over at Sunset Beach Elementary school and will soon be starting there. I also got a longboard the other day, so I'm stoaked about that. It is so much nicer to just cruise around on a longboard instead of walking to all my classes. It's also nice to have for when I want to go to somebody's place off campus or just to the beach. I'm so flippen bad on it though, but I will get better with time. Right now it is raining like no other since a hurricane is like just to the north of Oahu but it's breaking up into just a tropical storm. I heard that there is another one the is in like the central pacific heading this way so hopefully that one doesn't hit either, because if it does, we are screwed. It's really nuts though with all these hurricanes going on. I don't think I have ever heard of so many happening so close to each other. Well, that's it from me, hope all is well back on the mainland. Late


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