Monday, August 29, 2005

So today was my first day in my new ward, and it was actually pretty sweet. I am not in my sisters ward, although she really wanted me to be in there. When I woke up this morning it just felt right for me to go to the ward that I am supposed to be in, so I did. I really enjoyed it though. Other then that, not much else has happened. I am starting to have second doubts about basketball though. I feel the "pull" to go back to the game, so I haven't made up my mind yet. I will more then likely go to the coach tomorrow and talk with him for a bit and see what my chances are of 1. making the team and 2. actually playing. I felt the pull really bad tonight since we had a fireside in the Canon Activities Center which is where the main basketball floor is at, and I saw the trophy case and everything and it just felt like I really should be playing. I still don't know though, so I'm going to have to think it over a little bit more and I'll keep you guys updated about it. The only problem is that I just got a job as a busser over at the PCC so I would have to quit there if I were to play ball. Decisions decisions.
Other then that, I went to the North Shore yesterday and got some shaved ice. It was amazing and I can't believe that it's been so long since I last had it. For those of you that do not know what shaved ice is, it is pretty much like a snow cone, but they put like pineapple juice, or strawberry juice, or whatever kind you want on it and it just tastes amazing. Maybe it is just that I am in Hawaii and so everything tastes better. Then again, I did get a little sick from the caf food today, so that may not be true. I swear I am going to be fat when I get home. The reason being is that I eat three meals a day and if I were to work at the PCC, they will feed me yet another meal. The PCC food is also really really good, so I can't pass that up. Anywho, still have two more days until class starts. I have yet to register but I will do that tomorrow. Well, that's it from my end, take care everybody. Late


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