Monday, May 30, 2005

So this past week has been pretty exciting and busy. First off, it was the last full week of school of my high school career. Kinda cool, but then again it is kinda depressing. Next, I went to see Star Wars and I absolutly loved it. I mean, I have heard a lot of complaints about the movie, but I really really liked it. I also saw Kicking and Screaming with Will Ferell, and I loved it also. It was a super funny movie. Some parts you kinda think to your self "No way, did he just do that?" but it was still a really good movie. Friday night, we also went sliding at the park since we wanted to go in the pool before the water gets all dirty because of all the people that go in it. It was a fun night and luckily it wasn't that cold inside the water.
This weekend was the opening weekend at the park. I was looking forward to it a lot since it is the easiest job ever, and also the people there are just really really awesome. Then work actually came. When we were there, we just kept thinking, "what time is it?" and "I want to go home". I got to work maintainence for the pool for two of the three days, so that was pretty nice. Mostly I just checked the bathrooms, put in new trash bags, took out the booie, and today I got to pick up some poop that was in the pool! That was fun. Just used a skimmer, put it in a bag, and put some bleach in the area that it was. Some kid tried to tell me that it was a Snickers, but it sure as hell didn't smell like one. Well, it is officially summer in my book since work at the park has now started. Oh don't worry, I will have more stories about the park in future blogs. That's all from my end.


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