Friday, April 01, 2005

Been a while since my last update, but not a whole lot has been going on in my life. Read a lot over the past two weeks. Actually, it was two books so far and hope to start a third tomorrow. I'm reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and the series is just unbelievable. Jordan just does a wonderful job of creating this totally different world and makes it so you care about the characters. So far there are 10 books in the series, and he isn't even done yet. We also had a volleyball game on Tuesday against Redlands and there were some mighty fine girls that were there. I mean mighty fine! I'm kinda regreeting not transferring over there when I had a chance. Then again, my highschool experience has been good. Other then that, we went to the beach on Tuesday night after the game. It was fun although I got ditched when we first got there since I really had to pee, and then ended up walking in the opposite direction from where everybody else went. I was pretty pissed about that. It got better throughout the night though and turned out to be a good night. We went with people that we don't normally hang out with, but it still turned out really fun and I learned quite a bit about the opposite genders like what they look for in a guy and stuff like that. All in all it was a good night.
In other news the Pope isn't doing well at all. Recent headlines that I have seen on the net say that he is about to die. He's pretty old and has been through a lot recently so it is probably his time to go. Also, my sister is supposed to have her baby tomorrow. She was supposed to have him back on Easter, but that didn't happen, and if she doesn't have it before tomorrow, then they are going to induce her. Pretty exciting! Soon there will be another little kid running around the Luszeck hosehold. We had the missionaires over tonight and Elder Nebbs pointed out to me that when I go on my mission that there will be a lot of nieces and nephews that I haven't seen before running around here. I'm actually really excited to go on my mission in about a year. The countdown has begun for when I leave and I know that it will be the best two years of my life. Still got to finish high school and then get two semesters out of the way at BYU Hawaii. Things are starting to fall into place and soon my life will really begin.


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