Wednesday, February 02, 2005

So today I got to leave school early to go to Park View Middle School and talk to the 7th and 8th graders. The reason for this visit is because some of these kids are having trouble in their classes, attendance issues, and issues outside of school. Student Council was asked by Park View to go and talk to these kids since they would listen better to us then to grown ups. For the most part this was really true. These kids really did open up to us, told us why they didn't like school, and we were able to help them out and get them excited to go to school. We told them how much fun it is at high school, all the mighty fine ladies there are, our cool classes, and just overall the good environment that we have. The little group of kids that I had related to me through sports, and I just told them that they need to have certain grades in order to play, so that worked out really good. We are actually going to go back there soon and have a pizza party with the ones who have less then two absences, so I am looking forward to that.
I have a story to go along with how well these kids opened up to us. One of the girls in Student Council was talking to a girl who was in her group just causual at first, and then this little girl just started crying. So the girl in SC asked what the matter was, and this little 8th grade girl said that she feels horrible because she had sex the previous week. She had sex! This girl is in 8th grade, and she has already done that. I'm not being judgemental about this or anything but things have seriously changed a lot since I was back in 8th grade. Back then it was a huge deal to kiss a girl, and now they have to deal with stuff that high school kids deal with. I feel sorry for these kids and what they have to deal with during this day and age.


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