Friday, January 28, 2005

What a week let me tell ya. Actually, that was pretty much sarcasam since nothing really happened to me this week. I was really really sick for a couple of days and almost spewed my brains out. No, I didn't even come close to spewing out my brains, but I did have the flu, cold, and a splitting headache all at the same time. I'm pretty sure that I got all of it from my basketball team since everybody has been sick lately, so me being the lucky guy that I am got it. It sucked though since I was sick during a basketball game this week and I refused to not play.
So besides me getting sick, not a whole lot else happened. Well, actually, there is a story. For this past Homecoming, my good friend Mark and I tried to get this girl to go to the dance with both of us since she wasn't planning on going. She is a pretty good friend of ours, but she said she made some plans with other people for that night. However, she did promise to ASK both me and Mark to the next dance. So in other words, we both got rejected, and she was just trying to be nice about it. For those of you who may not go to our school or just don't pay attention, we have another dance coming up in a week. So on Tuesday Mark and I just got out of a Block Y meeting and we happened to see her. We go up to her and say, "Hey Simone, Winter Ball is coming up in a week....." and we just paused hence the 5 periods. She then said "Guys, I really wanted to ask you both to the dance since you are just plain hott, but I have to go to Utah for my cousins wedding! I'm really sorry!" So pretty much, we got rejected again.
I actually just thought of another story that came off of that one. Again, Mark and I were hanging out after 2nd period, and I see this girl who I know and who is also close friends with Simone. So I get her attention (which wasn't very hard since Dan was with us also, and he has been quite loud lately) and we start talking about how Simone bailed out on me and Mark for a wedding. She said that Simone feels really bad about it, but she really does have to go to Utah for her cousin, but she would love to come with Mark and me to the dance. Luckily, we just started acting like we were gay, and so that kinda freaked her out. She tried this same thing with us at Homecoming, and don't get me wrong she is a very nice girl, but I don't really know her. She is just an aquantince, and it would be kinda weird if she went with Mark and I. So really, what all this comes down to is that Mark and I are going to be dates, again, for the Winter Ball. It should be cool since Carp bought mag lights to shine on people who are trying to have sex on the dance floor, so I am really looking forward to seeing people get really embarrassed! Good times, good times.


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