Monday, January 03, 2005

Well, for those of you who may have not gotten the memo, it is the year 2005. I must say, I am actually really excited about this memo. It is the year 2005! I didn't think that this year will ever come. Now, it feels like I am a Senior in High School because I graduate in about 6 months. I am excited to finish school. Honestly, I am. Last year if you were to ask me if I liked school, I would have said yes. Now it is a big fat HELL NO! Especially right now. Today was the first day back to school, and I didn't want to go. I had an awesome break hanging out with my brothers and sisters, playing basketball, and best of all talking to a certain someone pretty much every day. It didn't even feel like I ever left school for 2 weeks. So for the most part school sucked. To be honest, I wanted to see pretty much 5 people that I didn't see over the break, and that is just the gang.
Other then school sucking, New Years was pretty dang cool. As I said in my previous post, my fam. was going to go see Les Miz down in Hollywood, and that play was unbelievable! It was dang awesome, and honestly pretty much the perfect New Years Eve activity. I got home at like 11:45, and I heard the 12:00 celebration while I was in the bathroom, then went to bed. There is only one way it could have been a better New Years, and that is if Jess was there to spend it with me, and then for maybe a little kiss at midnight. I like this little fantasy world of mine! Anywho, hope you all have a Happy New Year, and most of all, have fun. Late


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