Saturday, January 15, 2005

Finals are over! I don't think that I have ever been as excited as I am now to hear those three words in that order. To me, it just sounds plain studly. Also, it gets better. We have a four day weekend! Man, I swear block schedule is the greatest thing ever made. I mean, four classes a day, and then half way through the year you get four new classes. Actually, starting next week, I only have three classes instead of four. I must say, school is actually starting to turn around for me. At first I thought it was lame and there was no point in me being there, but now it is going to be really easy and I get to leave and go home early.
As for my life out of school, not a whole lot is going on really. It is actually warm and sunny again, so I'm excited about that. Southern Cali is still recovering from the non stop rain and all the mud slides, but we don't really have to worry about that here in Yucaipa. The blvd. turned into a river though, so that was kinda cool. Then again, whenever it rains the blvd. turns into a river. There's our tax dollars at work.


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