Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I swear, I do not know a thing about women. I know that I have mentioned this before in one of my posts, but in the time from that post to this one, I have not come any closer to understanding them. In fact, I actually took a step backwards, if I even moved at all. That's the main thing though. Women are confusing and take pleasure in making us guys even more confused then we already are in this life. Here is an example. I know this girl. She is probably one of the coolest, if not the coolest girl I have ever met in my life. She has everything. A totally wonderful personality, awesome smile, great sense of humor, absolutely beautiful, and probably the only girl that a 5 minutes go by in where I do not think of her. What made this even better is that I could have sworn she had the same feelings for me. The only problem with this relationship is distance. We live about 6 hours away from eachother, so we usually just talk via the e-mail or the phone. I love talking to her and again, I felt that she loved talking to me also. Boy was I wrong! I haven't heard from her in about 2 weeks now. I've called her, left messages, wrote e-mails, no response. I don't know what's going on, but to me it seems that I got my hopes up for nothing. Yeah true, nothing probably would have happened since we live kinda far apart, but still just to talk to her made everything just so awesome.
So, that is the girl story. Other then that, nothing too exciting has happened to me. We are now able to practice in our gym at the school, and I have to tell you, it blows. It took 7 months to put new lights in, some paint, and new bathrooms in there. It was totally not worth it. Wait, it gets better. With the new lights, our floor looks green. Green! Our school colors are blue and gold, not green! It's probably been that color for a while, but at least with our old lighting the floor looked blue. Typical of YHS though. If it's not for football or baseball, it's not worth helping out.


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