Monday, November 22, 2004

So I woke up yesterday morning to one of the greatest sights ever witnessed in this good ol' hick town know as was actually snowing here! It was a miracle. No joke, there was white stuff falling out of the sky, and actually sticking onto the ground. I woke up at about 5:45 and just looked out my window to see how bad it rained the night before, and there was this erie glow on the street, and I just thought to myself, "No flippen way, it is snowing outside!" So I went downstairs, looked in my back yard, and sure enough, it was snowing. Me, being a typical guy from Southern Cali, did what anybody from Southern Cali would do.....go out side, with no shoes on, my pajama pants, and a short sleeved shirt, and just stood while it was snowing. It was wonderful, although it was kinda cold. So Yucaipa was in a complete shut down yesterday. The Blvd. was closed, and most importantly, church was canceled! All in all, we got about 6 inches here at my house, and that is quite a bit, and it is said to be the most snow ever to fall here in Yucaipa.
Now some of you may be asking, why the heck did you wake up at 5:45 in the morning? Well, I will tell you. I went to Six Flags yesterday! Yes, I am a bad mormon and I have actually planned on going to Six Flags for the past couple of weeks now. But what can I say? I knew it was going to snow here in Yucaipa, and that church was going to get canceled, and so that is why I was planning to go to Six Flags. But did anybody listen to me? NOOO! Actually I had no idea that is was going to snow, but it was quite a treat.
But yeah, Six Flags was seriously a blast. I got to go on every ride except for "X" which was having "technicle difficulties" and "Deja Vu" because I was too tall to go on it. Think about it, I was too tall to go on it. I didn't figure this out until right at the front of the line, when they had the first sign that says you have to be under 75 inches to ride. I was seriously pissed off. I wanted to go on soo bad, and that was the longest ride that we waited in line for all day long, (30 minutes) and I couldn't go on it. I was pissed.
Six Flags was deffinitly worth it though since I got to go on some of the best rides ever made, and I got to hang out with some really really cool people. There wasn't a lot of people that showed up, like 28 or so, but it was a blast, and I want to go back again really really soon. There was a cheerleading competition going on there with all these little girl cheerleaders, but since they were all tiny, they couldn't go on the good rides, thus the lines were really really short. So while people were here at Yucaipa, playing in the snow for about 2 hours until they got freezing cold, I was at Six Flags all day long, riding rollar coasters. It was a blast!


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