Saturday, November 20, 2004

Jerry Seinfield. That TV show has to be probably the best sitcom ever created. The reason why I feel that it is the best show, is because for the most part it is very, very true. I have probably seen about every single episode, and I for one really am looking forward to the DVD's coming out very soon. You may be asking why the heck is this guy talking about Jerry Seinfield? Well, I am about to tell you all out there how one of the episodes of Seinfield has related to things that have happen to me in my life.
In this episode, Jerry is having a little trouble with a lady. According to Jerry (since I don't agree with him on this), this lady is a full out hottie, but she is seriously the dumbest person that Jerry has ever met. Jerry is able to make out with this lady whenever he really wants to, but he has never had a real conversation with her. All she ever talks about is becoming an actress, and has Jerry help her read lines for this play. So, Jerry is a little bit of a dilema. On one hand, he has a girl who is very willing to make out with him, and yet this girl is a complete idiot. This show goes on and shows a chess game between Jerrys brain, and his "other head". In the end though, Jerry's brain is able to beat the "other head", and Jerry becomes a better person because of it.
The reason why I bring this up is because this same exact thing has happened to me before. How you might ask? Well, gather around for story time. There was this girl who I went out with. I didn't know her really before we went out, and pretty much all I knew was that she liked me, and I thought that she was hott, so I felt that it was worth it. Now after a while, we started to actually kiss. The problem was that the more that I got to know her, the more that I started to realize that she is an idiot! I mean, I honestly couldn't have a an intelligent conversation with this girl if the world was about to end. Unfortunatly for me, this chess game didn't end the way that Jerry's did. I followed my "other head" because I felt that I could change her, and possibly even educate her. Boy was I wrong!
So the moral of the story is......guys, when you are in the situation which both me and Jerry Seinfield have been in, make sure that you follow your brain, and not the "other head". Also girls, help us guys out in making our decisions. Don't kiss us before we know you. Even though we may show that all we want is some action, we really do, but we would much rather have a real conversation with you. Well, I don't know if I could speak for all guys, but that is what I would rather have, because I feel that a good conversation with a lady is awesome, and anything else that happens is just a plus. Welp, see ya later.


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