Monday, November 01, 2004

Halloween is now officially gone. To me, it honestly didn't even seem like it was Halloween. Usually I have that feeling of a certain holiday, but this year it honestly didn't seem like there was a set feel to Halloween. Maybe it's because I didn't really do a whole lot this year. I mean, I just went to my best friend Marks house on Saturday, since he was having a party. It was really just laid back since that is the type of people that we are. I personally had a good time; just chillen and talkin to some ladies. Well, I was trying to talk to some ladies, but I think they communicated with me out of sympathy. That tends to be happening a lot latley. Kinda depressing actually. Same thing pretty much happened last night. I just hung out with my sis from across the street Ashley, and just handed out candy to the little ones. It was not packed at all in Rolling Hills this year. I think that's because of all the new homes that were built here in good ol' Yucaipa. Again, later on that night, I was trying to communicate with a female. Whether or not this ladie thinks I am a geek, nerd, loser, or all of the above remains to be seen.
Anywho, the election is coming up tomorrow. I for one wish that I was 18 right now so I could actually vote (and so I could actually drive, but that is a different story). For those of you who think that your vote doesn't count; shame on you! It does matter. The Democrats are probably going to get all of California's electoral college votes, but it still matters if you vote. I heard that Cheney is out in Hawaii, since they highly believe that Hawaii will turn Republican this election. Things can change, and even if the Presidential nominees take a state for granted, it may just switch it's vote and go for the other guy. I for one am a moderate and I would probably vote for Bush. Don't get me wrong, I do not like Bush. I don't think that he did a great job as a President, but I for one do not want to see Kerry as our Prez. He just really freaks the living crap out of me. I'm not big into politics (although I should be), so I don't have a ton of facts to back up my rational, but Kerry really does freak me out.


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